Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marvel's The Avengers Review

The family barbecue, and there’s your crazy recluse of an uncle, famously ill-tempered. Self-involved techno whiz kid playing with latest gadgets. Patriotic Grandpa, spry, and still sees everything through the fog of those good old days. Throw in a melodramatic stage actor fresh from the gym and a couple of queer and quirky cousins. Avengers? Assembled.

Also, superheroics.

Marvel’s The Avengers.

Written and Directed by Joss Whedon
From a Story by Joss Whedon and Zak Penn

Ponder Watchmen, the comic landmark meta-text that reverse engineered the sci-fi subgenre known as the ‘superhero’, where pulp heroes are replaced in urban settings complete with alter egos, iconic sigils, and diabolical archnemeses. If Watchmen is what’s over the precipice, then Marvel’s the Avengers is right before we fall off. It’s idealistic, unapologetic, and sidesteps the existential trappings so often bastardized* since the days of Watchmen and its counterpart, Batman : The Dark Knight Returns.

This is what we build before we break it down.

If you’ve been hibernating under a Hulk sized rock, let me expound : Marvel Studios have emulated the structure of a Comic Book Universe in their Marvel Cinematic Universe. Previous films, Iron Man, Thor and so on, have existed in a shared universe. Flirtations with crossover are finally consummated in this orgiastic spectacle of superpowered swinging.

When Norse God Loki assumes control of an alien army intent on enslaving the Earth, it’s up to paramilitary organisation S.H.I.E.L.D. to assemble the first line of defence, or as Loki calls them, ‘such lost creatures’. The plot is merely banner post, something to hold up the tireless succession of character moments, glorious, twisted, and occasionally hilarious.

We’ve loved Robert Downey as Tony Stark. Here again he deals quips like cards and no one gets away. Chris Evans is wholesome as ever as the timethrown Captain America. Indeed the entire cast are in form here, and it’s a testament to the tectonics of the screenplay that these masses of star power don’t overwhelm each other. Tom Hiddleston’s Loki gets special mention. Hauntingly sad, he’s like other classic Joss Whedon villains. He begs to be redeemed.

The word “revelation’ has been tossed around to describe Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner. Fandom seems ecstatic, and, if this is the Hulk as we want him, it’s easy to see why the character’s solo outings seem to strain. This Hulk is an internalizing, if passive, character, and Ruffalo himself is a bit left of leading men. He’s shortish and scruffy, and has a professorial sort of charisma. It is perhaps the case that this character is better suited to serial forms of storytelling, a television series or a comic series.

For those of you who have lamented the shaky cam trend. Cloverfield. Chronicle. The Hunger Games. Fear not, for Joss Whedon’s camera is like the perfect employee : punctual, reliable, motivated, and prides in presentation. It doesn’t spoil much to point out that, unlike a certain other goliath of a superhero franchise, most of this action takes place in daylight.

It’s impossible to discuss the film thematically without reference to Joss Whedon’s previous work. Whedon has discussed the nature and structure of family extensively in the past (see Buffy episode 'Family' and you'll get the idea) . It’s been said that he landed this job for his ability, as demonstrated in television, to cohere disparate characters around some common goal, and from within that develop compelling relationships. If nothing else, the Avengers is the origin story for the founding of a family structure comprised of these dysfunctional characters.

Also on display, Joss Whedon’s famous feminism, as spoken through what is arguably the female lead, Scarlet Johannson’s Black Widow (he is on the board of directors for Equality Now, a woman’s advocacy organisation co-founded by his mother). She’s introduced in a very gender and genre subversive scene which immediately expands on the character’s rather wasted introduction in Iron Man 2.

Supervillain Loki believes that humanity was ‘made to be ruled’ and that we as a species crave subjugation. He’s petty, jealous and vengeful. He may be a Norse God, but he behaves rather like a singularly theistic one, and this harks back to Whedon’s publicly professed humanism. Whedon is the recipient of the Harvard Humanist Chaplaincy ‘Rushdie’ award and for good reason. Just listen to the speech Loki makes in Germany.

There are other commonalities for fandom to squeal over. This Banner is reminiscent of Oz, Buffy’s droll werewolf. The character of Hawkeye has a brainwashing experience that associates Buffy character Tara Maclay, Firefly’s River Tam, and Whedon’s oft-misfiring series Dollhouse. Plenty connections can surely be called a reach but, it is clear that whatever the studio’s involvement in the narrative, a singular authorial voice does come through, and clearly.

The advantage of a comic book universe is the development of a rich and complex mythology, which, by its nature, rewards the more devout of its attendees. The disadvantage, as we’ve seen from Marvel and DC, is that stories go on forever, become unwieldy, burdened by years of backstory, and frequently need to be rebooted to clear up continuity. In distinction to Chris Nolan’s Batman franchise, Marvel’s not keeping it closed and down to Earth. The Avengers is not a sequel to any one film, nor is it in some way standalone. Rather, it is something of a bold new cinematic experiment. The Avengers is the grand opening of a UNIVERSE.  The MARVEL UNIVERSE, with stories spanning that yonder galaxy to New York City, comprising aliens, robots, spies, gods and assassins. This is where the zeitgeist works out its issues in dazzling  comic book colour, and where our avatars fight wars in the sky that we do in our minds. This film takes us there and, through the confluence of sharp writing, clear direction and compelling performances, ensures we will stay there for many films to come.

One can only hope subsequent entries from Marvel Studios can match the standard of this game-changer.

Check it out. It’s Epic.

*Check out Tom Strong for Alan Moore’s own answer to superhero grit.

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